
21 December 2019

The Gourmet Coffee to satisfy every coffee lover

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Gourmet Coffee, what is not to love? For those who are hooked on coffee, Gourmet coffee is what gets the day off to a good start, and it picks us up in the middle of the day.

Coffee has been around for thousands of years. Gourmet coffee however, has been around for less than one hundred years, and it has fast become the favorite of millions of coffee connoisseurs throughout the world.

There are hundreds of different types of gourmet coffee. These include Colombian gourmet coffee which has a bold, strong flavor, with a rich aroma guaranteed to satisfy every coffee lover.

There are also flavored gourmet coffees, which include French Vanilla, Toasted Almond, Cookies and Crème, and Hazelnut.

                                                    Photo by Mark Daynes on Unsplash

There are so many choices, that the Gourmet Coffee enthusiast will have a difficult time choosing,

The Gourmet Coffee lover can enjoy specialty coffee such as Pumpkin Spice, a rich savory coffee that is like a slice of pumpkin pie. These types of gourmet coffees are not available year round.

There are Gourmet coffee shop in every city and town in the United States, and around the world. The most popular of all the gourmet coffee shops are Dunkin Doughnuts, Starbucks, and Honey Dew Doughnuts.

Each of these Gourmet Coffee shops offers the standard cup of coffee, and the flavored coffees but each offers a different twist of their coffees.

What about the Gourmet coffee shops that nobody even realizes is a coffee shop? The coffee stations that are in grocery stores or in department stores? These shop sell fabulous gourmet coffee, but often they are past by.

When you do a Google search for gourmet coffee, you will find that there are a variety of Internet sites that are dedicated to gourmet coffee.

The Internet sites offer specials and discount just for trying their coffee. These offers include a special type of coffee maker designed especially for one brand of gourmet coffee.

When driving through small town America, and a roadside coffee shop pops up on the horizon, one can imagine how the bigger chains got started. The bigger gourmet coffee shops have teams of coffee roasters who are dedicated to creating new and delicious flavors of coffee.

Photo by Yeh Xintong on Unsplash

The Gourmet Coffee consumer will undoubtedly look forward to all of the new flavors that are created.

The true Gourmet Coffee consumer will travel out of their way to try a great cup of gourmet coffee that they heard mention of either in conversation or through a crowd.

Virtually at any event, sporting or otherwise, college of professional, there are gourmet coffee shops everywhere.

The Gourmet Coffee consumer will unquestionably look forward to all of the new flavors that are created.

When you are making gourmet coffee at home, you will need whole coffee beans, (grinding the beans just before brewing insures the freshest coffee) fresh spring water, light cream and sugar. These are the key ingredients for the freshest, best tasting cup of coffee you will ever taste.

A Brief History of Espresso

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Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century.  Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to brew coffee faster.  He figured if he could just add pressure to the brewing process it would speed things up.  Thus the "Fast Coffee Machine" was created.  His idea of a fast cup of coffee turned out much better than he had planned, what he ended up with is a better, fuller tasting cup of strong coffee, as well as a much faster process.  He found that the quicker more efficient brewing method allowed for the quality of the beans to be extracted as opposed to over extracting he had previously experienced.  The term "Espresso" means fast in italian, hence the term.

It wasn't until later when Desidero Pavoni purchased the rights from Mr. Bezzera for the espresso machine that it became popular.  Pavoni was extremely successful in marketing the product and probably changed the way people drink coffee from then on.  Just look around!  Coffee and Espresso shops are popping up everywhere, even in the U.S. it has become not only popular for the delicious beans, but has given us a new place to socialize.
Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash

Espresso Timeline:

In 1901 Luigi Bezzera filed a patent for the espresso machine that contained a boiler and four "groups". Each group could take different size filters that contained the coffee.  Boiling water was forced through the coffee and into a cup.  Ambrogio Fumagelli says that this was the birth of (fast) espresso coffee.

In 1903 Luigi Bezzera's patent was then purchased by Desiderio Pavoni and put to market in a big way.

In 1905 The Pavoni company begins manufacturing the espresso machines soley based on Bezzera's patent.

In 1927 First espresso machine was installed in the United States.  It was a La Pavoni Espresso Machine installed at Regio's

in New York.

In 1938 Cremonesi designed a piston pump that forced hot water through the coffee.  It was installed at Achille Gaggia's

coffee bar.

In 1946 Gaggia begins manufacturing the commercial piston machine.  Resulting foam or cream layered coffee or cafe'.

13 December 2019

7 Easy Tips for Looking Younger

Ever since Eve took that first bite of the apple, the human race has been obessed with beauty.

The truth is we begin the aging process just as soon as we pop out of the womb. Every day of our lives our bodies slough off and regenerate new cells. The speed at which that process takes place when we are children is vastly different as we get older.

Every day you are bombarded daily with commercial messages and beauty tips that attempt to lure you into believing that the most recent miracle drug is just what you need to fight off the ravages of Mother Nature.

                                                   Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

We are living longer as a whole. Singularly, that can be a curse or a blessing, depending on your perspective.
The best route to natural beauty and healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day. Here are some of our favorite beauty tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:

1: Stay hydrated and do it with plenty of water! That does not mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid, even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!

2: Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer and if that isn’t bad enough it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don’t leave home without it!

3: Keep your skin clean. Use a soft warm cloth. Skin does not require scrubbing. You will do more harm than good if you do.

4: The best cure for wrinkles is to never have them in the first place! If you are like most of us, you didn’t listen to your Mom when she tried to tell you to stay in the shade, stand up straight and stop squinting!

5: Eat healthy. Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, weight gain, illness and an overall lethargy.

Weight gain causes your skin to stretch. As you get older, it loses it's elasticity and you're left with sagging skin.
The best solution to this is to maintain a proper weight.

A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

6: Don't worry, be happy. A happy outlook appears to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins relax the cardiovascular system and cytokines which alert the immune system to pay attention in detecting abnormalities like cancer cells. Listen carefully to yourself. If you have put yourself down since childhood, over a lifetime, negative subliminal messages can take their toll by turning you into a pessimist. Spend one week writing down the phrases you use in your “self talk.” Chances are you will find that you repeat a dozen or so phrases over and over again that reinforce that negative image. If you know about them, you can change them. Outer beauty and inner joy go hand in hand.

Here are a few quick tips for increasing joy, hope and optimism that will work no matter what your age:

Make a list of at least 50 great things that happen to you every day.

Laugh a lot. You’ll heal your body and your mind.

Discover a new challenge each month.

Try meditating for just five minutes each day.

7: Sex After 50 – Ha! How many of you jumped ahead to this section?

The importance of physical intimacy actually depends on the couple. An alarming number of men used to give up on sex after 60 and many women used to feel that their sex life ended with menopause. Thankfully, that is no longer the case.

Sex at middle age can actually become better and more satisfying than ever before. Maturity gives a couple more experience in lovemaking. The children are usually grown and left home. The pressures of building a career and day to day life are usually less stressful than in younger years.

Is beauty really skin deep?

The answer is yes and no.  It’s a paradox, isn’t it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don’t you wish there was some way to “wriggle your nose” and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true “Fountain of Youth” we are stuck with what we have.

Just remember that getting older doesn't have to mean getting old.

11 December 2019

Alcohol Addiction: Who Are The Real Victims?

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People often feel sorry for, or angry with, alcoholics. These days, they are starting to realize that people close to the alcoholics are also damaged by their actions.

Alcohol addiction strikes at everyone around the alcoholic. Wives, husbands, partners; children, mothers, fathers; employers, employees, staff; and even random strangers who were just "in the wrong place" at the time.

Almost always, it is not the intention of the alcoholic to cause problems. The person addicted to alcohol often has feelings of despair, helplessness, self-loathing and fear. Sadly, they become wrapped up in their own misery and fail to notice the effects that they have on other people. Because of their dreadful introspection, alcoholics then enter a downward spiral, where they drink to forget or to cope with their unpleasant feelings, and the alcohol simply makes those feelings worse.

Photo by Patrick Schöpflin on Unsplash

Eventually, the alcoholic believes himself or herself unable to cope without drinking.

Because of the addling effects that alcohol has on the brain, the alcoholic will start to blame circumstances and other people for his or her problems. It becomes a case of believing, "I'm not an alcoholic. I only drink because..." followed by some excuse. It stops the person from admitting the problem/

In order to learn how to stop drinking alcohol, the person will need plenty of support, from loved ones and friends, professional organizations, and therapists. However, none of this will help if the alcoholic has not first admitted without reservation to the problem.

The first step to helping the alcohol, then, is to get that person to admit to the problem. This is not easy. Each time you help, it becomes another excuse for the alcoholic. He may crave the attention that drinking gives (reinforcing the effects of self-pity); she may see the help as insufficient (no matter how unfair that may be). Unfortunately, many alcoholics admit their problems only after they have lost everything that is dear to them: Family, children, friends, job, house...

Once the alcoholic has admitted to the problem and agrees to seek help, then is the time to support. The alcoholic needs tools to learn how to stop drinking alcohol. In addition to the expert advice from organizations, there are books, hypnotherapy, complementary therapies, and retreats (some of them free).

The important thing to remember is that alcohol is a highly addictive drug, and so alcohol addiction (usually) needs more than one approach. Mixing together as many different approaches as possible, all working together, will give the greatest chance of success.

Alcohol Addiction and Cirrhosis of the Liver

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Alcohol addiction is a crippling and debilitating disease that takes its toll both mentally and physically on individuals who suffer from it.  Alcohol addiction, in addition to having a myriad of other negative effects, also increases the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver. 
Photo by Adam Jaime on Unsplash

The liver, the largest organ in the body, is essential for proper health and bodily functions. It removes and neutralizes poisons found in the blood, produces immune agents to help control infection, and keep s the blood free of germs and bacteria. In addition, the liver also makes proteins that regulate blood clotting and produce bile to help absorb both fat soluble volumes and additional fats.  Cirrhosis is the build up of scar tissue in place of normal healthy tissue, causing the flow of blood through the organ to slow or stop and impairing overall liver function. Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death by disease in the United States, and kills approximately 26,000 people every year.

Cirrhosis is often synonymous with chronic alcoholism, and alcohol addiction is one of the major causes of this disease, which typically develops after a decade or more of heavy drinking. The amount varies from person to person, but it has been shown that alcohol injures the liver by blocking its normal metabolism.  Cirrhosis affects the body in many ways, including edema and ascites, which occur when the liver loses its ability to make the protein albumin. As a result, water accumulates both in the legs (edema) and in the abdomen. (ascites)

Bruising and bleeding can also occur as a result of the liver being unable to continue regular production of the proteins needed for blood clotting. Jaundice, also, is a common side effect and occurs when the liver is not able to absorb enough bilirubin.  Another more serious side effect of cirrhosis brought on by alcohol addiction is the presence of toxins in the blood or brain, since a damaged liver is unable to remove these substances. Toxins can dull mental functioning and cause pronounced personality changes, and lead to coma and even death.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem but luckily, one that is also highly treatable with proper therapy and with the assistance of dedicated and trained professionals in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation setting.  While Cirrhosis does have many causes, it cannot be ignored that the primary cause of this disease is in direct correlation to alcoholism. Treating alcohol addiction, then, does more than just help the addict to control their current problem; it also, if done correctly, can aid in the prevention of future problems, conditions, and diseases.

06 December 2019

Vitamin C, The Antioxidant Vitamin

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Vitamin C as an antioxidant, helps reduce the activity of free radicals, by products of normal metabolism which nonetheless can damage cells and set the stage for aging, degeneration, and cancer. This article provides information on the many benefits of Vitamin C as an antioxidant.


Photo by Adam Śmigielski on Unsplash

Slice an apple into half, and it turns brown. A copper penny suddenly becomes green, or an iron nail when left outside, will rust. What do all these events have in common? These are examples of a process called oxidation. If the sliced apple is dipped in a lemon juice, however, the rate at which the apple turns brown is slowed. It is because the Vitamin C in the lemon juice slows the rate of oxidative damage.

Since its discovery 65 years ago, vitamin C has come to be known as a “wonder worker.” Because of its role in collagen formation and other life-sustaining functions, Vitamin C serves as a key immune system nutrient and a potent free-radical fighter. This double-duty nutrient has been shown to prevent many illnesses, from everyday ailments such as the common cold to devastating diseases such as cancer.

The water-soluble vitamin C is known in the scientific world as ascorbic acid, a term that actually means “without scurvy.” We depend on ascorbic acid for many aspects of our biochemical functioning; yet human beings are among only a handful of animal species that cannot produce their own supply of vitamin C. Like these other animals, including primates and guinea pigs, we have no choice but to obtain this nutrient through food or our daily diet.

Vitamin C can enhance the body's resistance from different diseases, including infections and certain types of cancer. It strengthens and protects the immune system by stimulating the activity of antibodies and immune system cells such as phagocytes and neutrophils.
Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, helps reduce the activity of free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of normal metabolism which can damage cells and set the stage for aging, degeneration, and cancer. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that vitamin C is being used for cancer treatment. In large doses, Vitamin C is sometimes administered intravenously as part of cancer treatment.

Vitamin C prevents free radical damage in the lungs and may even help to protect the central nervous system from such damage. Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. In this state, they're highly reactive and destructive to everything that gets in their way. Although free radicals have been implicated in many diseases, they are actually a part of the body chemistry.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C's primary role is to neutralize free radicals. Since ascorbic acid is water soluble, it can work both inside and outside the cells to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is an excellent source of electrons; therefore, it “can donate electrons to free radicals such as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals and quench their reactivity.”

The versatile vitamin C also works along with glutathione peroxidase (a major free radical-fighting enzyme) to revitalize vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant. In addition to its work as a direct scavenger of free radicals in fluids, then, vitamin C also contributes to the antioxidant activity in the lipids.

Optimal health, however, requires a balance between free radical generation and antioxidant protection. One of the functions of Vitamin C is to get and quench these free radicals before they create too much damage.

However, there is research to show that vitamin C may act as a pro-oxidant. In other words, vitamin C, under certain conditions anyway, may act in a manner that is opposite to its intended purpose. This has raised concern among thousands of people who supplement their diets with vitamin C...but that's another story.
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