06 December 2019

How to treatment and overcome asthma attack

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When asthma attack, the airways in the lungs become inflamed and obstructed by mucus. This makes difficult for the patient to breathe. When the chest starts to feel tight, the lungs make a wheezing sound. There are many things that can trigger asthma attacks such as air pollution, emotions, or other asthma triggers such as dust, cigarette smoke, and others.

 Asthma attacks can be life-threatening (Image: Getty Images)

Asthma can be treated in many ways

1. Using conventional medicines and therapies

2. Using alternative medicines such as herbs or other traditional medicines

3. By using alternative therapies such as Yoga, Acupuncture, etc…

Every type of therapy has its own scope and time span. The first and the most widely accepted therapy is the conventional medicines and procedures. In this procedure of asthma treatment, the patient is treated in two ways

1. Short term treatment

2. Long term treatment

Short term asthma treatment involves the instant relief of the patient from asthma attacks. Short term treatment involves the administration of inhalers and orally administered drugs. Asthma cannot be cured, but the scope of asthma can be controlled with the help of a proper asthma management program.

Short term treatment is done mainly by using Metered Dose Inhalers or MDIs. Dry powder inhalers are also gaining favor in the treatment of asthma.

For those patients who cannot use the MDI’s, nebulizer therapy is used.

Long term asthma treatment involves more of Parallel treatment and lesser use of drugs.

In parallel asthma treatment, environmental components and surrounding analysis is done to minimize the factors that lead to Asthma attacks. In this type of treatment environment components such as pollen grains, allergens etc are minimized from the patient’s surroundings to minimize the chances of an asthma attack.

For this it is necessary that the patient’s place of residence be cleaned every week, the patient must be kept away from pets with fur or feather, weekly washing of the bedding of the patient in hot water.

Avoid using synthetic material in the patient’s bedding, replace upholstery based furniture to vinyl or leather ones.

Remove carpeted floors. They may contain dust particles that could cause problems to the asthma patient.

Use the Air conditioner to protect the patient from subtle temperature changes.

Keep the house dry. Humidity effects the asthma patient.

After the parallel asthma treatment is completed, lung functioning is monitored to look for effective changes. After this, medicines like corticosteroids and bronchodilators are administered. Periodic check up is necessary to know about any changes in the condition of the patient.

Here are some ways you can do to overcome an asthma attack when you can't use an inhaler

1. Sit up straight
When the chest starts to feel tight, stop doing whatever you are doing and sit up straight. If the body curves down or lies down, breathing will be increasingly blocked and asthma will get worse.

2. Breathe long
Taking a deep breath slowly will make the breathing process slow and prevent asthma attacks from getting worse. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

3. Do not panic.
The most important thing when a patient feels an asthma attack is not to panic and stay calm. Panicking will only make the chest muscles become tighter and make the patient more difficult to breathe.

4. Avoid asthma triggers
Every asthma patient should already know what can trigger an asthma attack on them. There are asthma when exposed to dust and others. Whatever it is, immediately move away from things that can cause asthma. especially if breathing starts to feel uncomfortable

5. Seek help.
If asthma attack, coughing and wheezing still occur when you are resting, just try not to panic, get help immediately or call an ambulance.

6. Get warm drinks.
Some warm drinks like tea can make the airways open slightly, so they can provide comfort and help the patient breathe for at least an hour or more.

Asthma is not a disease that heals immediately after treatment. Patients must continue to take medication even though they have never had an asthma attack. If asthma attacks occur frequently, it means that the patient is not really maintaining good health. You may need a more suitable medicine or start paying attention to your lifestyle.


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